Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday, Dillon


Five years ago, Daddy and I went to the hospital excited and scared to death. We were thrilled you were about to be born, but I was afraid that I wouldn't be the best mother to you. As we awaited your birth, I dreamed about what you might look like, what you would grow up to be, etc. At 3:29, after 29 minutes of pushing, you came into this world and Daddy and I learned the meaning of love at first sight.

To tell you the truth, I love you more now than I did five years ago. You are incredibly smart. You are so funny. You have an incredible memory. You have an extremely big heart. You grasp more about God and Jesus (and you like to include Father Abraham too!) than I think I do at times. You have an incredible imagination. At the moment you are all about Batman, Superman, the Hulk, etc. You love Michael to death, even when he is incredibly rough with you.

Dillon, Daddy and I are extremely proud of you. Happy birthday and many more!

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