Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Post-Birthday Catch-Up

It's been a while since we updated, so here's a quick catch-up.
Two Saturdays ago, we went to see our Arkadelphia friends and have a birthday party for a couple of them. Both boys had a great time, & so did their parents.
Dillon got to play in the pool a bit thanks to borrowed swim trunks.

The following Sunday, the church had a potluck dinner. The praise band played, and Daddy sang with them.
"Got your nose, Babba!"
Proof that young children are always blurry, even when sitting down.

This was also the night that Babba's camera died. Being Babba, he did not last long before buying a new one.

And now, for some cute pictures of the boys.
Dillon loves his little brother! Sometimes he loves a little too hard.

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