Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Little Eyes Watching

Dillon looking back at Chris and myself during the program.  He was skiddish at first to go sit, but he loved sitting with his friend, Anna Grace.

This past Sunday was Promotion Sunday at church.  Since it was 9/11, Miz Liz had a special speaker come in and talk to the children and youth (and some adults, too!).  Elizabeth spoke about how she flew C130s for the Air Force.  Before 9/11, Elizabeth had been a news reporter, however, afterwards she decided she wanted to help.  Her grandfather had been in the Air Force, but neither of her parents were in the military.  She didn't know her grandfather when she was older, but she has met a church member who flew with him, and so she hears story from him about her grandfather.  They looked at a globe that was laid on the gyn floor and "flew" all around the world.  In all honesty, it probably went over Dillon's head a little bit, but he seemed to enjoy it.  After the talk, Miz Liz gave each child an airplane with two Bible verses.  Dillon loved flying the airplanes - especially during church!

(Michael stayed in the nursery.  I knew if we brought him into the gym, the speaker would have help that she didn't need!)

This week at Pre-K has been a little harder than others, however, we're working with Dillon on listening and focusing.  I am sure it will get better soon!

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